Planet centauri enchantment book
Planet centauri enchantment book

This isn't to say they made him unhappy - or that he lacked charity he was just hollow, nothing had ever filled him up. Their aimless, eccentric hearts, their odors of loss, demanded a response he was not yet prepared to give - because it would be an admission of kinship. They would go home later to the same greasy doorways and park benches and barren flops, or ride the pneumatique systems until dawn: threadbare losers for whom he could find no compassion because they so resembled himself. He had seen them before, shivering with cold and with fear of the long, incomprehensible future in the night winds of a hundred planets, waiting out their time in the bleak hinterlands of a thousand ports. Spaceport hustlers and buskers worked the streets all the way from the port to the service areas, their peculiar instruments glimmering in the green street light They solicited him, but he ignored them. He walked with his shoulders hunched and his head bent as if he were bored with it all (which he was, to the extent that anybody is), his tight snakeskin combat jacket and big leather hat straight out of the questionable past of the Galaxy. He reached the Alley by way of Bread Street and East Thing, a damp wind tangling his long hair. 'Don't forget, no vegetable seeds.'Īnd with a jaunty wave, he quit the ship. 'Children wear them for the same reason you have filed your teeth. 'A pumpkin is what your head is,' explained John Truck smugly. He was good with an axe - or so he said - but backward. 'What's a pumpkin?' asked the bos'n, who was a Chromian dwarf called Fix. I will never haul pumpkins again, any shape or form.' Especially don't accept any vegetable seeds. 'Don't accept any cargo,' he told his bos'n as he prepared to leave My Ella Speed, 'for at least two weeks. Crispin's Eve on Sad al Bari IV when Captain John Truck, impelled by something he was forced to describe to himself as 'sentiment,' decided to visit The Spacer's Rave, on the corner of Proton Alley and Circuit (that chilly junction where the higher class of port lady goes to find her customers).

Planet centauri enchantment book